Saturday, December 7, 2013

Just Doin It

Recently, with my 30th birthday looming, I really starting thinking about how I want to live my life.
In doing so, I realized that this last year-probably more than any other year in my life-has been one of introspection and growth.

I've have watched and continue to watch friends and family face and overcome unbelievable obstacles.

I've taken note of the love and support I receive from others and have tried to be more open about showing the love I feel for them.

Sharing emotions isn't easy for me.

I've gained a sense of confidence that I wish I could have shared with my 20 year old self.

And, I have been reminded over and over again that life is meant to be lived to its fullest every single moment you are privileged enough to draw breath on this Earth.

So, on a Thursday I decided I was going to stop putting things off. That Saturday I enrolled in 3 classes at the only culinary institute anywhere near me. Then, I decided if I was going to do it, I just needed to do it. I picked a fourth class making me a full-time student.

I've always loved to cook. I have a passion for baking. And, anyone that knows me is aware of my obsession with all things chocolate.

I also like to write. (Thanks expensive degree #1) And, now that I'm working full-time and attending school full-time I aim to use this blog as a way for friends-new and old-as well as family to keep up with me.

Maybe it'll also serve to teach its readers about food as I learn. (Would be great it super expensive degree #2 wasn't a complete waste)

Let the cyber stalking begin. :)

Also, I have way too many food pictures that I want to share.

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